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Email Form
With Freeservers, it's easy to add a fully customized email form to your website. Place a feedback form on any or all of your site's pages and whatever information visitors input will be emailed to you. When your visitors' comments are delivered right to your inbox, it's simple to stay in touch with the people who come to your website. You'll be able to get the information you need from them and respond quickly if required. Get feedback about your website, collect information for a mailing list, or conduct a survey - it's all possible with the email feedback form from Freeservers!
How the Email Feedback Form Works
You can add our feedback form to your site with the use of simple HTML code. When visitors fill out and submit the form on your website, our feedback script takes all the information and sends it to you in an email message.
Customizing Your Form
The feedback form gives you a variety of options for customization. You're free to create the input fields that will solicit the information you need from your visitors. You can even decide which fields must be filled out and which are optional. Add text fields, pull-down menus, radio buttons, check boxes, and any other type of field. With all of these options, it's easy to create a fully customized form that fits your needs and matches the style of your website perfectly.
Ways to Use Your Form
You can use a feedback form on your website in just about any way you can imagine. No matter what kind of website you've built, you can create an email feedback form that works for you. Here are just a few of the opportunities that our form emailer offers.
- Simple Order Form (non-secure) - Users
can select products and enter customer
data that is then sent to you via
e-mail. Do not ask for sensitive
information such as credit card
- Visitor Feedback Form - Get
feedback from your visitors about your
Web site.
- Bug Reports - Help users
report errors or broken links on your
- Mailing List - Users can input
their e-mail addresses to join your
mailing list. You can collect thisdata and send messages to your mailing
- Surveys or Voting - Ask your
visitors specific questions about
their likes and dislikes and have
their answers e-mailed to you.
- Much
more... - Customize the feedback form
to your Web site's needs.
Benefits of an Email Form
Being able to contact and interact with you easily through the form emailer can help your visitors feel added confidence in your site's authority as well as gain a sense of community and support on your website. It can also allow you to gather the information you need. All of these functions can play a part in improving your site and increasing the number of people who are enjoying it!
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